A través de mi producción artística, exploro la visualización de la “relación invisible” que nos rodea en nuestra vida diaria. “Relación invisible” es toda aquella relación que difícilmente es atendida, bajo la amalgama del hábito de las relaciones humanas en nuestra sociedad; entre grupos que extrañamente se relacionan, entre la multitud y el individuo alienado, entre individuos que pertenecen a mundos distintos, o de poblaciones marginadas tras diversas situaciones. Sin embargo, atendiendo la “relación invisible” se aclararán cuantiosas dudas que vagamente percibimos dentro de la vida cotidiana y también se visualizan múltiples posibilidades para desatar las dudas.
Los primeros pasos para percibir la “relación invisible”; es inmiscuirse en la sociedad donde se habita, experimentarla. Y fijar la mirada en los hábitos con diversas perspectivas liberadas de las costumbres. Es hasta después de este paso donde comienza la labor de la producción. En un proceso cuidadoso; se va elaborando el entender propio de la sociedad experimentada y se va tejiendo con la imaginación y creación propia tras la experiencia laboral. Encontrando, marcando, acumulando y afinando, tras reflexiones, este tejido. Se va dando forma a este segmento que se sobrepone a lo experimentado y lo imaginado.
En el proceso de darle forma a la pieza, con clara intención introduzco intervenciones externas. Se colabora; con individuos como artistas o expertos de otros campos y con grupos como organizaciones sin fines de lucro, civiles o instituciones. Así los procesos siempre terminan siendo diversos y con infinita variedad, donde surgen nuevas rutas y descubrimientos, donde la obra termina siendo una pieza incluyente de imprevistos y amalgamación de valores.
La pieza, que es la “relación invisible” expresada, tiene dos vertientes. Una de ellas es ‘obra materializada’; objeto en donde se refleja y concreta la intención, perspectiva y reflexión en un resultado físico. La otra vertiente es la ‘obra no materializada’; resultado de una intervención sustancial en la sociedad, utilizando el arte como medio. En esta segunda vertiente, la obra en sí subyace en las personas y el medio involucrado durante el proceso, en donde lo concreto es la relación construida, la relación visualizada mediante el proceso creativo, siendo así la “relación visible”.
En ambas vertientes, el fin de mi producción artística está en visualizar y hacer palpable la “relación invisible”, para ser experimentada por el espectador o el colaborador. Una pieza para incentivar, las habilidades del individuo y del grupo; para activar pequeños cambios en nuestra sociedad.
Miho Hagino
Traducción: Taro Zorrilla
In my process of art production, my goal is always to capture rare moments of contact, whether that is contact made between two groups that do not usually mingle in daily life, contact between the general public and marginalized individuals, or contact between individuals with opposing world-views. It is my opinion that these contacts are rendered “invisible” within the dominant structures of society, the society in which I myself live. Masked by the habitual, regularized human relationships that make up society, these “invisible” contacts creates what are essentially “invisible relationships” that exist within our society. Present but unseen. I believe these “invisible relationships” are very important in that they represent a vital opportunity for us to question society’s standards while, at the same time, presenting a unique potential for change and hope.
In order to find these “invisible relationships,” one must immerse oneself into the society where one lives. It is essential that we experience it and examine its structures from various angles. Once a deeper understanding of society is gained, one can release one’s own imagination to expand upon our understanding. Gradually, the line which separates the society we have come to understand as a result of our research and that which has been realized by our imagination merge and becomes clearer. My art exists in expressing that merging of the two societies.
In creating my art, I am always inviting collaboration. With every project, I actively seek to involve other people such as other artists, specialists in the field, individuals, or groups, and organizations from local communities. That way, I feel that my process of creating remains fluid and undefined. The final piece can never be fully visualized until it is completed. In this way, I am not confined to work within the limits of my own personal interpretations and expressions. Rather, my art, as a completed piece, can only be realized through the deliberate acceptance of values and techniques that are different from my own.
My art work, that is, my efforts to express these “invisible relationships”, can be divided into two separate categories. One, in which the final art piece is realized as an object that represents a physical manifestation or “materialization” of the ideas and views put forth by the artist. The other is of an immaterial realization. That is to say, the final product consists of the interactions that were formed by the very process of art creation among the people and their surrounding. This second category sees the relationships that came together in the process of creation, the “visibilization”of relationships”, as the final art piece itself. By encouraging art to intervene upon society, I hope to provoke a reexamination of the standardized structures of society, opening up spaces for change and potential.
With all of my artwork, my aim is to encourage viewers and collaborators to make visible the "invisible relationships" that are overlooked in our society through a shared interaction or experience, thereby creating a small yet significant change in our society for the future.
Miho Hagino
Traducción: Isana Kobayashi
Los primeros pasos para percibir la “relación invisible”; es inmiscuirse en la sociedad donde se habita, experimentarla. Y fijar la mirada en los hábitos con diversas perspectivas liberadas de las costumbres. Es hasta después de este paso donde comienza la labor de la producción. En un proceso cuidadoso; se va elaborando el entender propio de la sociedad experimentada y se va tejiendo con la imaginación y creación propia tras la experiencia laboral. Encontrando, marcando, acumulando y afinando, tras reflexiones, este tejido. Se va dando forma a este segmento que se sobrepone a lo experimentado y lo imaginado.
En el proceso de darle forma a la pieza, con clara intención introduzco intervenciones externas. Se colabora; con individuos como artistas o expertos de otros campos y con grupos como organizaciones sin fines de lucro, civiles o instituciones. Así los procesos siempre terminan siendo diversos y con infinita variedad, donde surgen nuevas rutas y descubrimientos, donde la obra termina siendo una pieza incluyente de imprevistos y amalgamación de valores.
La pieza, que es la “relación invisible” expresada, tiene dos vertientes. Una de ellas es ‘obra materializada’; objeto en donde se refleja y concreta la intención, perspectiva y reflexión en un resultado físico. La otra vertiente es la ‘obra no materializada’; resultado de una intervención sustancial en la sociedad, utilizando el arte como medio. En esta segunda vertiente, la obra en sí subyace en las personas y el medio involucrado durante el proceso, en donde lo concreto es la relación construida, la relación visualizada mediante el proceso creativo, siendo así la “relación visible”.
En ambas vertientes, el fin de mi producción artística está en visualizar y hacer palpable la “relación invisible”, para ser experimentada por el espectador o el colaborador. Una pieza para incentivar, las habilidades del individuo y del grupo; para activar pequeños cambios en nuestra sociedad.
Miho Hagino
Traducción: Taro Zorrilla
In my process of art production, my goal is always to capture rare moments of contact, whether that is contact made between two groups that do not usually mingle in daily life, contact between the general public and marginalized individuals, or contact between individuals with opposing world-views. It is my opinion that these contacts are rendered “invisible” within the dominant structures of society, the society in which I myself live. Masked by the habitual, regularized human relationships that make up society, these “invisible” contacts creates what are essentially “invisible relationships” that exist within our society. Present but unseen. I believe these “invisible relationships” are very important in that they represent a vital opportunity for us to question society’s standards while, at the same time, presenting a unique potential for change and hope.
In order to find these “invisible relationships,” one must immerse oneself into the society where one lives. It is essential that we experience it and examine its structures from various angles. Once a deeper understanding of society is gained, one can release one’s own imagination to expand upon our understanding. Gradually, the line which separates the society we have come to understand as a result of our research and that which has been realized by our imagination merge and becomes clearer. My art exists in expressing that merging of the two societies.
In creating my art, I am always inviting collaboration. With every project, I actively seek to involve other people such as other artists, specialists in the field, individuals, or groups, and organizations from local communities. That way, I feel that my process of creating remains fluid and undefined. The final piece can never be fully visualized until it is completed. In this way, I am not confined to work within the limits of my own personal interpretations and expressions. Rather, my art, as a completed piece, can only be realized through the deliberate acceptance of values and techniques that are different from my own.
My art work, that is, my efforts to express these “invisible relationships”, can be divided into two separate categories. One, in which the final art piece is realized as an object that represents a physical manifestation or “materialization” of the ideas and views put forth by the artist. The other is of an immaterial realization. That is to say, the final product consists of the interactions that were formed by the very process of art creation among the people and their surrounding. This second category sees the relationships that came together in the process of creation, the “visibilization”of relationships”, as the final art piece itself. By encouraging art to intervene upon society, I hope to provoke a reexamination of the standardized structures of society, opening up spaces for change and potential.
With all of my artwork, my aim is to encourage viewers and collaborators to make visible the "invisible relationships" that are overlooked in our society through a shared interaction or experience, thereby creating a small yet significant change in our society for the future.
Miho Hagino
Traducción: Isana Kobayashi